On the first day of our first stay at the Children's hospital, as I walked into the Ronald McDonald house – I'm sure I looked very scared. I was greeted by a friendly guy that obviously new his way around. He and his wife had given birth to beautiful twin girls at the beginning of August. During our stay we met his wonderful wife and found ourselves having several spaghetti dinners together. I've thought to myself many times throughout our stays there that Scott and Amanda Hedin are such a great example of how to handle having kids in the hospital with class. They were so comforting to talk to as we went through Gracie's surgeries – It meant so much to have others to talk to. They even gave Gracie a hand knitted Santa hat made from the extra yarn used to create the Santa hats that were made for their girls Christmas pictures. When we went back again for our most recent stay, I was glad to see them, but so sorry to see that they were still there. One of their girls has come home, but their other daughter is still in the hospital and facing many challenges. I'm not going to say that I can tell you exactly how they feel, but as the father of a daughter that is also in the middle of a fight for her life, I can tell you that it is a very scary, confusing time and that prayers and positive energy help a lot. I ask that you keep the Hedin family in your prayers – I also, cannot tell you how much the meal train helped that was created for us over our stay – This wonderful family lives right in Blaine, so I ask that you consider joining their meal train as well. They truly were such a large part of our stay at Children's.
A link to the meal train is below
to learn more about them:
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