This blog is an attempt to document my quest to become a dad that my family can be proud of.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
5 weeks from yesterday
Things are getting better my workout on Sunday consisted of:
4 miles run nonstop
1 mile walk
1 mile run
.5 mile walk
.5 mile run
.5 mile walk
For a total of 7.5 miles -- I've got a LONG WAY to go!!
Friday, August 7, 2009
I want a "Book Club"
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
the stall ninja

Monday, July 27, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
My wife doesn't know it, but I peed the bed last night
Monday, July 13, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Some people never learn
chalk up the 2009 Twin Cities 10 mile as another race that I have signed up for and will take a large miracle to be able to run
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Chimo's sister's Facebook Status update
Monday, June 15, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Chimo's sisters facebook update
and you'll be all happy to know that her most recent update confirmed what we were all waiting to hear
"ahh....tanning felt wonderful!! LOL"
a drip upon my sandaled foot
Kerma got me today because I'm earing these way too casual sandals -- So today I stroll into the bathroom -- it was like grand central station -- all the urinals and stalls were packed -- It felt uncomfortable enough to feel like I had to say something -- so I threw out the standard "Whoa - this is the place to be" -- turns out it was only a minute or so before the cleaning lady came in (I should have known because my biological clock is always in a race/fight with the cleaning lady's stall cleaning schedule at 2:15 each day). Any way -- I didn't feel right turning around and leaving, I felt that would show weakness, so I bellied up to the stall after a guy flushed and walked by me with a "you're up" nod of the head. I get in and start to relieve myself when I notice the guy next to me is pushing out his stream unusually hard -- he kept looking over at me like we were racing or in some sort of a competition -- I thought to myself, this guys is too intense, when all of a sudden on the top of my foot I feel a large drop of splashed urine. I can only hope it was mine or some condensation falling off of the pipes on the trap of the urinal.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I'm a programmer?!
(now lets eliminate the smart-alec response about the hairless breeds and pretend the first statemet is 100% true)
All cats have fur -- and Cuddles is a cat -- therefore, it can be assumed that Cuddles has fur
All programmers are on the autism spectrum, are socially awkward and don't know it --Rich is a programmer --
therefore... am I more awkward than I think and just not know it?
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Slim Down to Sin Town
Friday, May 15, 2009
Gap in stall #2's door is a bit too big
Thursday, May 7, 2009
1) either use both hands to tame that firehose that has so much pressure that you can't control the thing or
b) shake it over the urinal and not over where it'll land in a puddle on the floor so the next guy has to stand in it
and one more thing, if you have to dig so hard to get it out that as a result you leave a goatee on the urinal ledge, you might as well go in the stall and sit down
RIP Turkey Day as we know it
Lets be honest -- no matter what company is running your cafeteria, it all comes from Sysco, which brings me to today's issue.
For years, the cafeteria has been having "turkey day" every thursday. Long gone were the days when my buddy Shane and I could go down there and give "grandma" that little wink, giving her permission to double up on the mashed potatoes -- grandma has been gone for years now, but the meal has stayed the same. a couple slabs of turkey loaf (size dependent on the mood of the slicer), a scoop of mashed potatoes ( always a little lumpy, but never quite sure if they were real or instant). Some stuffing (spitting image and taste of your standard Stove Top version), and some corn. Next to the meal line were three containers -- one containing butter packets (that I could put in my container next to the corn allowing it to melt perfectly on my way back to my desk) another with some warmed buns and the third and most important one was a bowl of cranberries (stirred up to attempt to remove the lines from the can) along with the little condiment cup and lid to scoop in the cranberries kind of like that old mcdonalds sandwich that allowed you to keep the cool and hot pieces separate until the exact perfect moment. I had just gotten to the point that I could perfectly space out my cranberries to where my last bite of turkey would contain the perfect sized last bite of cranberries and were pushed onto my plastic fork with the last bite of bun - and then this happend.
Today I go down to partake in turkey day and enter into the cafeteria to the upbeat sound of Tears of a Clown by Smokey Robinson (some might say Ironic, now that I think of it). I order my meal which consists of Turkey - similar to the old loaf, but appears to have more muscle strands than before, in an attempt to make it look a bit less processed I guess. The mashed potatoes were very runny and included chives and who knows what else nto to mention the potatoe skins themselves mixed in. The stuffing was like someone threw the wet part of stuffing in with a couple loaves of wonder bread and then chopped it up, and get this, threw in some carrots (it was like a mushy sandwich). And answer me this -- where was the corn? There were three vegetable options -- one included corn, but was also a medley of other cube shaped vegetbles resembling the frozen vegetable medley that my grandma used to try and make me eat. Another option was steamed cauliflower with strips of green and red pepper (are you kidding me?) and the final options were green beans with peppers and almonds slices (the only green beans I want to see on my turkey day better include cream of mushroom soup and those crunchy fried onion things on the top). As I got to the end of the line, I realized there were no containers waiting for me containing my bun, butter, and most importantly my cranberries.
If this is the way things are going to be, this is goign to greatly effect my Thursdays
To give you an idea of how bad this is got me going, I started typing this before I finished the meal. Maybe I'll write them a letter, or better yet -- Maybe I'll print this out and stuff it into the complaint box!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Last Weekend
Bodey and My Shoes
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I finally got to park in the garage
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The world wants me to be fat
better. Anytime I go anywhere, the "food" person always makes sure that
I get more than a normal helping of everything. I admit, it doesn't
take much for me to cave, but it doesn't help when someone scoops the
last of "you name it" on my plate at the end of every meal just because
its hardly worth saving that much. I was going to have the standard
turkey dinner downstairs today, but figured I'd skip the gravy, before I
could say anything, the guy behind the counter with a little wink, gave
me extra turkey loaded the gravy on everything -- do people not
understand that doing this to me is not doing me a favor because I'm
never going to make him redo the plate. Then just a few minutes ago,
the woman that sits across from me made sure I knew that the Target by
my house is selling huge bags of peanut M&M's for 75 cents -- now
explain to me how I'm supposed to drive by there on my way home with all
of that chocolate and peanutty goodness for pennies on the pound? That
would be like Lange driving by a liquor store selling Copenhagen and old
Milwaukee for $1 each.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I'm at a loss
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
5 Hour 5K???
busy, but not super exciting as of lately. I shouldn't say that, its
been exciting, but probably more to just the wife and I as we watch
Lylli grow and learn new things every day.
I've got that dumpster in my driveway almost full and my dreams of
parking Kermit the car (the green station wagon) in the garage may
actual come true some day. Of course the process of filling it has been
tough, including an episode with a three hundred pound cement and rebar
table top that I figured I could get over my head to throw into it --
the fingers on both hands are still healing from smashing them between
the dumpster and the cement in the below zero weather. I got it in
there, but I thinks its time to admit that I'm no longer a power lifter
and maybe ask for help on that sort of thing in the future. This is how
my life works -- I see two homemade concrete table tops on craigslist
and have the vision of making cedar table bases for tables on my
patio/deck, so I drive to Woodbury and pay some guy $20 for them. I
hall them back home and leave them in the back of my truck for a couple
months because it got wet back there and froze to the carpet -- I then
finally get them out of the truck and leaned against a wall in the
garage -- a year later, I decide they won't work and throw them away.
Last weekend was busy, Saturday, we went to my mom's for lunch and then
participated in a true Anoka County baby shower at the bar. I managed
to talk mama into buying a Carbone's pizza -- I think that was my reward
for leaving early and not making her sit there all night and watch me
drink. I have been watching my eating during the week and have finally
gotten into the 270's -- that's like throwing a bone to a starving dog,
but at least it's a start. My grand illusion to become Prefontaine has
not been going so well. I have not run since Jan 5th -- that is funny
considering, my step-brother and brother-in-law-to-be are running in the
Chisago City 5k on Saturday at 10 AM. After the run if I don't get
checked into the hospital, we are heading up to the cabin to go sledding
and hang out for the night. Should be a good time
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
How Many Delaney's does it take to change a light bulb?
I can't win with Mother Earth
Mother Earth aka "The Wife" has an issue if, god forbid, a car is started and warmed up longer than necessary. This ticked me off this morning. My boss has specifially told me that she wants me in the office from 8 to 4:30 so I can be around to answer questions since there are others that come in and leave earlier. This was presented to me in the hiring process and is quite clear. I am not a salaried employee, I am a contractor, so I am only approved to bill for 40 hours per week, so it does me no good to come in before 8. My wife, on the other hand gets up at 5 and leaves at 6:30. One of the reasons she got a new car this past summer was because there were several times last winter where her car didn't start. I would end up having to get it towed after days of trying to get it started only to have it start once towed to a shop. This happened at least 3 times last year, not to mention countless other times where it wouldn't start in the morning, but would in the afternoon. Yes, this is the same wonderful car that I get to drive these days, a green '96 Honda Accord station wagon. Because of this, and the fact that its 20 below zero in the morning, I figured the last couple of days that I would get up at 5:30 to try and start the car just in case it doesn't start and I would need to get a ride from the wife, which would mean she would need to leave 20 minutes earlier. I figure I would do it at 5:50 because it would set the pace earlier instead of trying to start it at 6 and causing a mad scramble to get ready, feed the dogs, and leave early. Unfortunately, this means that the car is started for close to an hour, but I don't want to chance shutting it off and not having it start again because I am still new and a consultant at Wells Fargo and not going to work is not an option. This morning, Mother Earth pulls her car out of the garage to start it and notices my snow covered car in the driveway running and has the nerve to come in and say "You serioulsy are letting your car warmup for over an hour?". This is what I get for trying to be considerate and not inconvenience her. This did not make my crabby morning dimeaner any better, so for the second day in a row, I find myself in the office just after 7 AM because I wouldn't want to let my car warm up too long.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Time to Refinance and oh yeah, Weaver's skinny
it in the shorts too much if we were to try and get our house ready to
sell and find something else. Because of the market, we'd probably only
get what we owe on the mortgage, and that wouldn't take into
consideration the 10's of thousands of dollars it would take to get to
ready to sell, not to mention the $50+ thousand I've put into it. I was
looking around and there is literally not one wall in that house that
has not changed since I've lived there. I have a pretty specific place
in mind that I want to live in, so once we move, we will be there for a
long time, if not forever.
So, since we could get a rate in the mid 4's, we have elected to
refinance our place on a 20 year loan and stay there for awhile since
the rates are so low. Its no wonder that everyone got in trouble with
their mortgages, even in this economy when they say that its tough to
get a loan, my wife and I qualified for well over $400,000 loan if we
wanted it. I'd be afraid to go over $300,000 on a mortgage and I make
OK money. No wonder everybody is losing their houses.
My goal is to move before the kid turns 10. The place I want will be on
some land so it will not be in the same school district. I think it can
be cruel to make kids change schools after, say fourth grade, so my goal
is to use this new % rate on my loan to aggressively try and pay it down
in the next 10 years while creating a list of must haves and build my
dream home when I'm in my early to mid 40's. That said we have decided
to carpet the downstairs and fix up some other things. I went to The
Home Depot to price out carpeting -- what a rip-off -- they want around
$2000 to put around 500 sq feet of mid level carpeting in my basement
and 11 stairs. I was blown away -- I was thinking $2 a sq foot max for
carpet, pad, and installation. I mean, its my dingy basement and I have
dogs, I'm not even sure if carpeting will work in the long term - I was
prepared to take a gamble for $1,000, but for twice that, it better
work!! Tomorrow I am having a 20 cubic yard dumpster delivered to my
driveway -- the Delaney's are doing their spring cleaning in January --
I plan on throwing away everything that is not nailed down -- we have so
much junk, not too mention the sheetrock and studs, shower stalls, etc
that I tore out while doing some changes to the bathroom and laundry
room in the basement. Hopefully, I'll be able to park my car in the
garage, too when the dumpster is hauled away.
Oh yeah, and this running thing is not going well. I am signed up for a
5k on Jan 31st and only ran once last week and it was tough. I better
do something, this Facebook craze has gone too far -- I was starting to
feel a bit better losing a pound or two a week and then I got a message
one of those hey, long time no see emails on Facebook from Weaver -- He
was this big red headed lineman that I played football with in college.
Huge fat guy back in the day, and of course, he looks like he's lost
about a hundred pounds -- Yep, he's skinnier than me -- great for him,
but it makes me feel even worse -- what's next Gunkel?
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Monday Morning
YMCA just before 6 AM. I gathered my clothes for work and narrowly
missed leaving the house without a towel. I got there and walked/jogged
around the track around 2 1/2 miles. It was a pretty tough workout
because my lungs were still congested from the bad cold I had last week
(not to mention the morbid obesity). I got done with my workout - my
ipod said I burned almost 600 calories, so I was feeling good. I went
to the locker room and took a shower, but on my boxers, shirt, and
t-shirt and was feeling really good until I realized -- NO PANTS! I had
to put on my sweaty running pants and drive back home.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy New Years
still did work out in the end. Tuesday night saw some significant
snowfall -- The wife and I didn't feel right asking my sister-in-law to
drive to our place from Burnsville on the slippery roads when we were
simply a few miles from home. I planned on going to work on Wednesday
anyway, so I went home to take care of the dogs and get ready for work
the next morning, etc. I also had been getting progressively more sick
as the week went on. I got home, spent some times with the dog, picked
up around the house, got clothes ready for work, etc. I figured I'd go
watch some TV in bed and turn in early. As I walked down the hallway, I
thought it felt cool in the house -- sure enough the thermostat read 58
degrees, but it was set at 68. I also noticed that the thermostat was
showing the fan was blowing, but it was not. I Changed batteries and
tried a couple of other things to see what was wrong -- well wouldn't
you know it, the furnace was broke. Luckily we pay for the service plus
plan -- I called the gas company and they were able to get someone there
just after 11. turned out to be the igniter which was an easy fix, so I
was able to get to bed around midnight. Despite being sick and
exhausted, I had a hard time falling a sleep knowing that my kid was at
the hospital hooked up to machines and I wasn't there with her. I woke
up the next morning and there was no way I was going to work -- I was
sicker than a dog -- called into work, felt really guilty, but there was
no way I could have done anything, I was a zombie. Not to mention that
its sort of frowned upon to come into an office with recycled air when
you are sick because colds spread like wildfire in that setting. So, I
went back to bed for a couple of hours, woke up, showered, went to the
drug store for some cold medicine and headed back up to the hospital
when my wife called and said they had seen the doctor and she had
decided to let Lylli go home. We waited around for the final paperwork,
etc and were finally checked out around 3:30. The wife and I were so
happy to be home -- our New Years Eve was spent napping and in bed early
-- I think we exchanged "happy new years" when it was midnight in New
York based on the TV that was in the back ground. Lylli is in the clear
besides nebulizer treatments every four hours and the removal of mucous
from her nose every few hours. I spent New Years day in bed - I was
literally probably only out of bed a total of two hours from the time I
went to bed, on new years ever, until I woke up for work this morning.
I normally would never have come into work based on how I feel today,
but considering it will be the only day this week I'll be in the office,
I figured I'd try and tough it out since its Friday and I can rest the
next couple of days.