I am a very lucky man – I’ve got an amazing wife and am the father to three wonderful kids. Lylli was born on Halloween in 2008, Gracie was born November 2010 and although she only lived for 17 months, she will remain as much a part of this family as the rest of us, and Mickey Gray, our first son, was born in June of 2012. I’m not going to say that life has gone exactly as I would have wanted, but it is a good life and I am determined to make the best of it.

This blog is an attempt to document my quest to become a dad that my family can be proud of.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I finally got to park in the garage

It was a monumental night last night at the Delaney household.  The Rolloff company picked up the 20 cubic yard dumpster I filled with junk that was in the driveway for the past few weeks.  I, for the first time, was able to park Kermit the car in the second garage stall.  It felt so good.  This morning was the standard morning -- Mother Earth running around trying to get the baby and her gear into the 5 different bags she carries (no pun intended) with her each day while I stay in the bedroom with the dogs as late as possible to stay out of the way becasue I'm not a morning person.  The wife and baby left for the day, I let the dogs out, jumped in the shower, got dressed and went out to get the dog food and start up the car -- I hit the garage door button with pride and hopped in to start the car, hooked my arm over the passenger seat, swung my head around, started to back it out and suddenly - CRUNCH!  Turns out Kermit won't fit through a nine foot garage door with the drivers door wide opened -- yep -- forced it open about 6 inches further than its meant to.  I pulled forward, backed out of the garage and looked at the damage -- didn't look too bad - I thought I got away with one and was int he clear until I started the drive to work and although closed tight and still safe, it now sounds like the window is cracked while driving down the road  

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